Harris-Stowe (MO) vs. Paul Quinn
@ Little Rock, Ark. (Mims Gymnasium)
08/31/2024 at 05:00 AM

Final 1 2 3 Score
Harris-Stowe (MO) (0-0,0-0) 10 23 19 0
Paul Quinn (0-0,0-0) 25 25 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
PQC -- 1st -- HSS
  PQC starters: Harrison, A'Niyah; Felton, JaQuelle; Brown-Riddick, Brittany; Williams, Kristen; Cooks, Teasia; Beck, Laila; libero Sanchez, Ashley.  
  HSS starters: Smith, Isa; Edison, Trinity; Watson, A'nyla; Sortor, Jayden; Williams, Jehireh; Kemp, Alexis; libero Hernandez, Makayla; libero Foster, Dejah.  
0-1 [Smith Isa] Kill by Felton, JaQuelle from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
[Harrison A'Niyah] Kill by Sortor, Jayden from (Smith, Isa) Point HSS 1-1
1-2 [McReynolds Kyla] Kill by Felton, JaQuelle from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
1-3 [Sanchez, Ashley] Service ace (Kemp, Alexis) Point PQC
1-4 [Sanchez Ashley] Kill by Weston, Carrie from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
1-5 [Sanchez, Ashley] Service ace (TEAM) Point PQC
1-6 [Sanchez, Ashley] Attack error by Edison, Trinity (from Sortor, Jayden). Point PQC
1-7 [Sanchez Ashley] Kill by Weston, Carrie from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
  Timeout Harris-Stowe  
1-8 [Sanchez, Ashley] Attack error by Edison, Trinity (from Smith, Isa). Point PQC
1-9 [Sanchez, Ashley] Attack error by Sortor, Jayden (block by Beck, Laila; Weston, Carrie). Point PQC
[Sanchez, Ashley] Attack error by Weston, Carrie (from Cooks, Teasia). Point HSS 2-9
2-10 [Sortor Jayden] Kill by Felton, JaQuelle from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
[Fields Chloe] Kill by Edison, Trinity from (McReynolds, Kyla) Point HSS 3-10
3-11 [Payne Jayla] Kill by Weston, Carrie from (Phipps, Spirit) Point PQC
3-12 [Williams, Kristen] Attack error by Kemp, Alexis (from Payne, Jayla). Point PQC
3-13 [Williams, Kristen] Attack error by McReynolds, Kyla (block by Beck, Laila). Point PQC
[Williams Kristen] Kill by Kemp, Alexis from (Payne, Jayla) Point HSS 4-13
4-14 [Kemp Alexis] Kill by Harrison, A'Niyah from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
4-15 [Beck, Laila] Service ace (Watson, A'nyla) Point PQC
[Beck Laila] Kill by Watson, A'nyla from (Payne, Jayla) Point HSS 5-15
5-16 [Foster Dejah] Kill by Harrison, A'Niyah from (Phipps, Spirit) Point PQC
[Cooks Teasia] Kill by Watson, A'nyla from (Sortor, Jayden) Point HSS 6-16
[Smith, Isa] Attack error by Harrison, A'Niyah (from Sanchez, Ashley). Point HSS 7-16
7-17 [Smith, Isa] Service error. Point PQC
7-18 [Harrison, A'Niyah] Attack error by Edison, Trinity (from Smith, Isa). Point PQC
7-19 [Harrison A'Niyah] Kill by Felton, JaQuelle from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
  Timeout Harris-Stowe  
7-20 [Harrison A'Niyah] Kill by Weston, Carrie from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
[Harrison A'Niyah] Kill by Edison, Trinity from (Smith, Isa) Point HSS 8-20
[McReynolds, Kyla] Attack error by Brown-Riddick, Brittany (from Cooks, Teasia). Point HSS 9-20
9-21 [McReynolds, Kyla] Service error. Point PQC
[Sanchez, Ashley] Attack error by Brown-Riddick, Brittany (from Cooks, Teasia). Point HSS 10-21
10-22 [Sortor Jayden] Kill by Felton, JaQuelle from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
10-23 [Fields Chloe] Kill by Harrison, A'Niyah from (Phipps, Spirit), Block error by Williams, Jehireh Point PQC
10-24 [Fields, Chloe] Attack error by Edison, Trinity (from Smith, Isa). Point PQC
10-25 [Fields, Chloe] Attack error by Kemp, Alexis (from Smith, Isa). Point PQC
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PQC -- 2nd -- HSS
  PQC starters: Harrison, A'Niyah; Felton, JaQuelle; Brown-Riddick, Brittany; Weston, Carrie; Cooks, Teasia; Beck, Laila; libero Sanchez, Ashley.  
  HSS starters: Smith, Isa; Edison, Trinity; Watson, A'nyla; Sortor, Jayden; Williams, Jehireh; Kemp, Alexis; libero Hernandez, Makayla; libero Foster, Dejah.  
0-1 [Cooks, Teasia] Attack error by Sortor, Jayden (from Smith, Isa). Point PQC
0-2 [Cooks, Teasia] Attack error by Edison, Trinity (from Smith, Isa). Point PQC
[Cooks, Teasia] Service error. Point HSS 1-2
1-3 [McReynolds Kyla] Kill by Harrison, A'Niyah from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
1-4 [Harrison, A'Niyah] Attack error by Hernandez, Makayla (from Smith, Isa). Point PQC
[Harrison A'Niyah] Kill by Sortor, Jayden from (Smith, Isa) Point HSS 2-4
2-5 [Sortor Jayden] Kill by Weston, Carrie from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
[Sanchez Ashley] Kill by Edison, Trinity from (Smith, Isa) Point HSS 3-5
3-6 [Payne, Jayla] Service error. Point PQC
3-7 [Fields, Chloe] Attack error by Files, Saniah (from Payne, Jayla). Point PQC
3-8 [Fields, Chloe] Service ace (TEAM) Point PQC
[Fields Chloe] Kill by Kemp, Alexis from (Payne, Jayla), Block error by Phipps, Spirit Point HSS 4-8
[Kemp Alexis] Kill by Watson, A'nyla from (Payne, Jayla) Point HSS 5-8
5-9 [Kemp Alexis] Kill by Beck, Laila from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
[Williams Kristen] Kill by Watson, A'nyla from (Payne, Jayla) Point HSS 6-9
[Foster, Dejah] Bad set by Cooks, Teasia. Point HSS 7-9
7-10 [Foster Dejah] Kill by Harrison, A'Niyah from (Phipps, Spirit) Point PQC
7-11 [Beck Laila] Kill by Harrison, A'Niyah from (Phipps, Spirit), Block error by Sortor, Jayden Point PQC
[Beck, Laila] Attack error by Harrison, A'Niyah (block by Sortor, Jayden; Files, Saniah). Point HSS 8-11
[Smith, Isa] Attack error by Phipps, Spirit (block by Sortor, Jayden). Point HSS 9-11
9-12 [Smith Isa] Kill by Phipps, Spirit from (Sanchez, Ashley) Point PQC
[Cooks Teasia] Kill by Edison, Trinity from (Smith, Isa) Point HSS 10-12
[McReynolds Kyla] Kill by Kemp, Alexis from (Smith, Isa) Point HSS 11-12
[McReynolds, Kyla] Service ace (Harrison, A'Niyah) Point HSS 12-12
12-13 [McReynolds, Kyla] Attack error by Kemp, Alexis (from Hernandez, Makayla). Point PQC
[Harrison A'Niyah] Kill by Edison, Trinity from (Smith, Isa) Point HSS 13-13
13-14 [Sortor Jayden] Kill by Felton, JaQuelle from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
[Sanchez Ashley] Kill by Edison, Trinity from (Smith, Isa) Point HSS 14-14
14-15 [Payne, Jayla] Service error. Point PQC
[Fields Chloe] Kill by Kemp, Alexis from (Payne, Jayla) Point HSS 15-15
15-16 [Kemp Alexis] Kill by Weston, Carrie from (Phipps, Spirit) Point PQC
15-17 [Williams Kristen] Kill by Brown-Riddick, Brittany from (Phipps, Spirit) Point PQC
[Williams Kristen] Kill by Watson, A'nyla from (Payne, Jayla) Point HSS 16-17
16-18 [Foster Dejah] Kill by Beck, Laila from (Phipps, Spirit) Point PQC
16-19 [Beck Laila] Kill by Harrison, A'Niyah from (Phipps, Spirit) Point PQC
[Beck Laila] Kill by Watson, A'nyla from (Payne, Jayla) Point HSS 17-19
17-20 [Smith Isa] Kill by Brown-Riddick, Brittany from (Phipps, Spirit) Point PQC
[Cooks Teasia] Kill by Kemp, Alexis from (Smith, Isa) Point HSS 18-20
[McReynolds, Kyla] Bad set by Cooks, Teasia. Point HSS 19-20
19-21 [McReynolds, Kyla] Attack error by McReynolds, Kyla (from Smith, Isa). Point PQC
[Harrison A'Niyah] Kill by Edison, Trinity from (Smith, Isa) Point HSS 20-21
[Sortor Jayden] Kill by Edison, Trinity from (Smith, Isa) Point HSS 21-21
21-22 [Sortor Jayden] Kill by Weston, Carrie from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
[Sanchez Ashley] Kill by Edison, Trinity from (Foster, Dejah) Point HSS 22-22
[Payne Jayla] Kill by McReynolds, Kyla from (Payne, Jayla) Point HSS 23-22
  Timeout Paul Quinn  
23-23 [Payne, Jayla] Attack error by Kemp, Alexis (from Foster, Dejah). Point PQC
23-24 [Fields Chloe] Kill by Weston, Carrie from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
23-25 [Fields Chloe] Kill by Weston, Carrie from (Phipps, Spirit) Point PQC
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PQC -- 3rd -- HSS
  PQC starters: Harrison, A'Niyah; Felton, JaQuelle; Brown-Riddick, Brittany; Williams, Kristen; Cooks, Teasia; Beck, Laila; libero Sanchez, Ashley.  
  HSS starters: Smith, Isa; Edison, Trinity; Watson, A'nyla; Sortor, Jayden; Williams, Jehireh; Kemp, Alexis; libero Hernandez, Makayla; libero Foster, Dejah.  
[Smith Isa] Kill by Watson, A'nyla from (Smith, Isa) Point HSS 1-0
1-1 [Smith Isa] Kill by Brown-Riddick, Brittany from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
[Harrison A'Niyah] Kill by Watson, A'nyla from (Smith, Isa) Point HSS 2-1
[McReynolds, Kyla] Service ace (Sanchez, Ashley) Point HSS 3-1
3-2 [McReynolds, Kyla] Attack error by Kemp, Alexis (block by Felton, JaQuelle). Point PQC
3-3 [Sanchez Ashley] Kill by Weston, Carrie from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
3-4 [Sanchez, Ashley] Ball Handling Error by Smith, Isa. Point PQC
3-5 [Sanchez Ashley] Kill by Weston, Carrie from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
3-6 [Sanchez Ashley] Kill by Weston, Carrie from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
[Sanchez, Ashley] Service error. Point HSS 4-6
[Sortor, Jayden] Bad set by Cooks, Teasia. Point HSS 5-6
5-7 [Sortor Jayden] Kill by Weston, Carrie from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
5-8 [Fields, Chloe] Attack error by McReynolds, Kyla (from Smith, Isa). Point PQC
[Fields, Chloe] Attack error by Phipps, Spirit (from Beck, Laila). Point HSS 6-8
[Payne, Jayla] Service ace (Sanchez, Ashley) Point HSS 7-8
7-9 [Payne, Jayla] Service error. Point PQC
[Williams Kristen] Kill by Williams, Jehireh from (Payne, Jayla) Point HSS 8-9
8-10 [Kemp, Alexis] Service error. Point PQC
[Beck Laila] Kill by Watson, A'nyla from (Payne, Jayla) Point HSS 9-10
[Foster Dejah] Kill by Watson, A'nyla from (Payne, Jayla) Point HSS 10-10
10-11 [Foster, Dejah] Attack error by Files, Saniah (block by Brown-Riddick, Brittany; Harrison, A'Niyah). Point PQC
10-12 [Cooks, Teasia] Service ace (TEAM) Point PQC
10-13 [Cooks Teasia] Kill by Harrison, A'Niyah from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
10-14 [Cooks Teasia] Kill by Felton, JaQuelle from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
10-15 [Cooks, Teasia] Attack error by Watson, A'nyla (from Payne, Jayla). Point PQC
  Timeout Harris-Stowe  
10-16 [Cooks, Teasia] Service ace (TEAM) Point PQC
[Cooks Teasia] Kill by McReynolds, Kyla from (Payne, Jayla) Point HSS 11-16
11-17 [Smith Isa] Kill by Harrison, A'Niyah from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
[Harrison, A'Niyah] Attack error by Felton, JaQuelle (from Sanchez, Ashley). Point HSS 12-17
12-18 [McReynolds Kyla] Kill by Weston, Carrie from (Harrison, A'Niyah) Point PQC
[Sanchez, Ashley] Bad set by Cooks, Teasia. Point HSS 13-18
[Sortor, Jayden] Service ace (TEAM) Point HSS 14-18
14-19 [Sortor, Jayden] Service error. Point PQC
[Fields, Chloe] Attack error by Beck, Laila (block by Edison, Trinity; Williams, Jehireh). Point HSS 15-19
[Edison, Trinity] Attack error by Beck, Laila (from Phipps, Spirit). Point HSS 16-19
[Edison, Trinity] Attack error by Weston, Carrie (from Phipps, Spirit). Point HSS 17-19
[Edison, Trinity] Service ace (Fields, Chloe) Point HSS 18-19
  Timeout Paul Quinn  
[Edison Trinity] Kill by Kemp, Alexis from (Smith, Isa) Point HSS 19-19
19-20 [Edison, Trinity] Service error. Point PQC
19-21 [Williams, Kristen] Service ace (McReynolds, Kyla) Point PQC
19-22 [Williams, Kristen] Attack error by Kemp, Alexis (from Payne, Jayla). Point PQC
  Timeout Harris-Stowe  
19-23 [Williams, Kristen] Service ace (McReynolds, Kyla) Point PQC
19-24 [Williams, Kristen] Bad set by Smith, Isa. Point PQC
19-25 [Williams Kristen] Kill by Harrison, A'Niyah from (Cooks, Teasia) Point PQC
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